Since its inception ABARI has focused on imparting its skills to the communities. Since 2006, we have trained over hundreds of architects, students, farmers, artisans from different parts of the world on different natural building techniques. In our dedicated learning center in Dhulikhel and Madi, we conduct very specialized workshop. We have conducted workshop on landscape regeneration, bamboo plantation, bamboo construction, rammed earth construction, earth and lime based rendering, catalan vaults, nubian vaults. We have also worked on collaborative design workshops where we developed bamboo bicycles, bamboo winches and cranes, rammed earth solar drier, bamboo toys etc.
Bambooversity is a part of network of global ecoversities alliance.
Please write to us here if you are interested in joining our next workshop.
Rammed Earth Workshop
CEPT Summer School
Lime Workshop
Bamboo Furniture Workshop
Bamboo Plantation
Bamboo House Construction
SEA 2021
Stupa Building Workshop
Kopila Valley School Volunteer Program
Compressed Earth Block