Documentation and Build Workshop

22 students from School of Environment and Architecture, Mumbai came to Kathmandu and Dhulikhel for a 5 week workshop. They documented the Chaityas of Swayambhu Nath . They made a beautiful map and a poster of the 32 different kinds of Chaityas they had documented.

After completing the documentation, they came to ABARI Learning Centre in Dhulikhel and built a rammed earth Chaitya and an accompanying bamboo gate. The rammed earth Chaitya was made following strict Buddhist rituals, which was guided by Lama Phurba Sherpa.

Rammed earth chaitya was also unique because the students experimented with curved formworks as well as small details like cantilevered rammed earth elements.

Another group of students built a curved bamboo ceremonial gate next to the stupa.

Students presented their works to the students of Khwopa University, who supported ABARI through out the process.