Dhulikhel Learning Centre
Our rammed earth community space was born in a cozy village called Sinpokhari,in Dhulikhel,a small hike from the picturesque view point of Bhattedanda,3 years ago.
It was our playground for experimenting with our style of construction based on years of research,on precious lessons from historic buildings,made purely with earth and wood.
We have learnt a lot in the process of building this 2+ storeyed rammed earth and bamboo building,not just about the structural or material aspects of the building but also about our neighbours,the community,the hard working women farmers,their beautiful hand-craft skills and the beautiful natural plasters they have been maintaining for eons!
The building process has broadened our vision of the community centre after the earthquake, to make it an accessible library for people willing to learn our craft alongside developing the community.
We have grown from this point on to building demonstration houses (Link to Sanu Maya Tamang's story) with the locals,who were curious passersby at the time of our community centre being built,to empowering them to use our technology to build our way.
We are now actively engaging with the community to build a training centre (Sanjiwani) and a vocational centre (Ryan Air grant) and it has strengthened our roots in the community,getting to know their needs and empowering them to practice their skills by providing power tools, involving them hands on in our projects and having design discussions as well!
We hope our dream grows bigger and stronger,all the while helping the community grow with us!